
1.        Инишева Л.И., Юдина Н.В., Инишев Н.Г., Головченко А.В. Распределение органических веществ в системе геохимически сопряженных болотных ландшафтов. Геохимия. №2. – М. 2005. – С.197-205.


Статьи в зарубежных изданиях:

1.        Narozhniy Yu., Timoshok E. Ecosystems and Glaciological studies in the Aktru Glacier Basin (Associated Aktru Gluster). // Global change research in mountain biosphere reserves. Switzerland, UNESCO, 2004. p.174-182.

2.        Badencov Yu., Bolshakov V., Narozhniy Yu. Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve and Natural World Heritage Site. // Там же.   pp.65-84.

3.        Zemtsova L., Zemtsov V. Environmental management systems and Russian industry // Proc. of 8th Korea – Russia International Symposium on Science and Technology KORUS 2004. Vol. 1. Tomsk, 2004. 367–369 pp. 

4.        Zemtsov V. Ecoregions and the problem of surface water quality objectives indication in the Ob river basin (Siberia, Russia) // Hydrology: Science & Practice for the 21st Century. Vol. II. London, 2004. 226–231 pp.

5.        Inisheva L.I., Ezypienok E. E.,  Sannikova Y. V., Sergeeva M. , Savicheva O. G., Inishev N.G. Research on the station “Vasyuganie”// Wise use of peatlands. Proceedings of the 12-th international Peat Congress, Tampere. Finland., 2004, Vol. 2, P. 857-859.