
Проект «Эразмус+»: Институциональное партнерство в целях устойчивости

трансграничного водопользования: Россия и Казахстан

ERASMUS+: Project 561775-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Trans-Regional Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Usage of Water Resources




Project Erasmus+ № 561775-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Trans-Regional Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Usage of Water Resources


Barnaul, 13-17 February 2017


Organiser: Altai State University

Venue: 61, Lenin Avenue, Barnaul,. Tel.: 007 (3852) 24 99 89.

12February 2017, Sunday

Arrival of participants. Transfer to the hotel.

To be confirmed

13February 2017, Monday


10.30 – 13.00

Opening ceremony;summary of the project development at the PC institutions in Russia and Kazakhstan (GT, RB)

13.00 – 14.00


14.15 – 17:00

Workshop ‘Summarizing the outcomes of Workpackage2’

14 February 2017, Tuesday

10.30 – 12.30

Workshop: ‘Summarizing the outcomes of Workpackage 2’

13.00 – 14.00


14.15- 17.00

Co-ordination meeting

15 February 2017, Wednesday

10.30 – 12.30

Workshop: ‘Summarizing the outcomes of Workpackage 2’

13.00 – 14.00


14.15 - 17.00

Workshop: ‘Summarizing the outcomes of Workpackage 2’

16 February 2017, Thursday

10.30 – 12.30

Workshop: ‘Summarizing the outcomes of Workpackage 2’

13.00 – 14.00


14.15 - 17.00

Co-ordination meeting:Conclusions  and the follow-up activities

17 February 2017, Friday

Departure of participants


1.     Up-date on the project development:

-         summary of the project development at the PC institutions in Russia and Kazakhstan (GT, RB);

-         discussing the feedback report on the official monitoring of the project in Tomsk (VZ, EW).

2.     Reports and discussion of the activities in Work Package 2:

-         Analytical report on the needs analysis;

-         The conceptual framework for the transboundary water management;

-         The summary on the strategy for the Industry-Academia Learning Partnerships (IALP) building;

-         The results of the data bases development;

-         The ‘puzzle catalogue’ of the proposed modules for TWRM: summary of results and debate.

3.     Reviewing therole distribution and up-dating responsibilities by work packages.

4.     Up-dating the Work  Plan for the 2nd year of the project:  activities and possible changes in the light of the delay due to the legal issues, staff mobility, etc.

5.     Organisational and financial matters.

6.     Conclusions  and the follow-up activities.

7.     Any Other Business.